Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Percentages And Disability

It is a very common myth that Social Security assigns a percentage to how disabled a person is. Social Security does not assign percentages to disability; a person is either disabled or not disabled. There is no such thing as partial disability.

A related myth is that the amount you receive is based on how disabled you are. This is also not true. The amount that a person receives is equal to their full retirement benefit amount, which is based on their lifetime earnings. It does not matter how bad their condition is. Social Security Disability is not compensation for an injury; it is an insurance policy for people who can no longer work because of a medical condition.

This misconception most likely stems from a similar organization that offers disability benefits.  The Veteran’s Administration, does assign percentages and the amount that a veteran receives is based on that percentage. However, the percentages assigned by the VA are not reflections of the severity of the disability. The VA’s percentages are, instead, about how much of the condition can be attributed to a veteran’s prior service. For example, for a person with a knee problem that is set at 30%, the VA has decided that the knee problem was caused 30% by their time in the military and 70% by other use.

For more information on how Social Security Disability numbers are determine, please contact your local Disability Attorney.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Application Process

When it comes to Government programs, the Social Security Disability application process is one of the more simple ones. You can complete an application online, in person, or over the phone. For the application, the only really tricky information that you’ll need to have is the contact information for any places where you have received medical treatment, when you were treated, and when you worked at each job you’ve worked at in the last 15 years. The rest of the application is pretty straight forward.

After Social Security has processed your application, you will usually receive some packets from Social Security. These packets will ask about your limitations in day to day life, will ask someone else about your day to day life, and will ask about the specific requirements of jobs you have had in the past.

Occasionally, a caseworker may call you to ask you specific questions about your condition and your recent medical treatment.

And that’s it! That’s the entire application process for Social Security Disability. You will usually hear back regarding whether you have been approved or denied within 3-5 months of applying.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Social Security Disability Lawyer in Grand Rapids

There are many reasons why one might want a Social Security Disability Lawyer. With the stresses and strains that we are required to justification put on our bodies these days, Americans are becoming more injury prone than ever. No matter your reason, you want to make legal sure you are able to get financial help for your disability so that you are able to protect you family, financially. Social Security

Social Security Disability can be a hard and scary thing to pursue, there is no reason to try with us.

Don't hesitate and contact a Social Security Disability Lawyer ASAP for assistance. Mr Russell is located in Grand Rapids Michigan, located right in West Michigan. We service KentAlleganOttawa MuskegonKalamazoo.